
Bloodstained: Wayforward steigt in die Entwicklung ein

Wayforward ist ein bekanntes Indie Entwicklerstudio, das vor allem für ihre Shantae-Serie bekannt ist. Nun steigt das Team mit in die Entwicklung von Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night ein, das nächstes Jahr erscheinen soll.

„It’s me, IGA.

For this month’s update, we have an incredible support who will be joining the Bloodstained team. Can you guess who? It’s WayForward!

That’s right, WayForward, the makers of Shantae! As you may already know, they are top-tier when it comes to side-scrolling action games. There is even a staff member who previously worked on one of my projects, which is incredibly encouraging.

In consideration of their past achievements, WayForward will be helping the development team realize my vision for this game. Maybe I am even more excited than everyone else – with their help Bloodstained will become an even better game.“


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