Tomonobo war bei IGN zu Gast und präsentierte dort Devil’s Third für die Wii U. Neben den beien Trailer wird auch eine Gameplay Demo demonstriert.
„We developed the game up to an early playable version at THQ but then there was the unfortunate end of that company. Then, when we went looking for partners and found Nintendo who really supported my vision. I’m not really sure if it would have been possible ten years ago to be honest, but I’ve had a long relationship with Nintendo going back to the Nintendo and Super Nintendo. Once I went independent, I definitely went over to Nintendo to say hello.
There will always be accidents on the battlefield. You have to find ways through those and adapt. The world has been through financial crises in the past few years yet we’ve all found ways to continue on. One thing that’s different from my previous company is my relationship to the people I’m working with. Previously I wasn’t necessarily responsible for hiring and taking care of everyone, but my position is different now and I feel a lot of responsibility for my team.
When people play this game I want them to think, ‚What does it mean to live?‘ I want them to think about life itself. What does it mean to be alive? What does someone believe in a world like this? We’re all citizens in a very fragile world order, as if it’s made of a glass, that can shatter at any moment.“
Quellen: IGN, Joystick
Wenn ich daran denke, dass ich mehr in meinem Leben mit Videospielen zu tun hatte als nicht, zeigt es mir zum einen, wie alt ich bin und wie lange ich mittlerweile dem Gaming zugetan bin. Meine erste Konsole war das SNES und spätestens ab diesem Zeitpunkt war ich dieser Leidenschaft verfallen, die bis heute anhält. Auch wenn durch den Alltag leider die Zeiten von verspielten Tagen vorbei sind.
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