
THQ Nordic erwirbt Timesplitters Marke

Das ist doch mal eine Meldung ganz meinem Geschmack, erst Recht, wenn daraus Resultate zum Vorschein kommen. Publisher Thq Nordic hat sich die Rechte an der Timesplitters Marke und an Second Sight gesichert. Beide Spiele stammen von Free Radical Design. Besonders die Timesplitters Serie war in den frühen 2000er unter Fans sehr beliebt, schließlich wurden die Spielen von ehemaligen Rare Ware Leuten entwickelt, die maßgeblich an einem bekannten Bond Shooter gearbeitet haben.

HQ Nordic today announced the acquisition of the video game trilogy Timesplitters.

Timesplitters was largely considered as one of the most influential console games of the early 2000’s. The three game series earned a large and passionate fan base thanks to its unique humour, art style and pop culture references while encouraging customization and modification to give each person their own individual experience.  Timesplitters was originally created by the development studio Free Radical Design that later become Deep Silver Dambuster, part of the THQ Nordic group. 

In addition to Timesplitters, the IP and the rights to science fiction action-adventure game Second Sight were acquired. Both acquisitions were made through THQ Nordic’s fully owned subsidiary Koch Media GmbH.“

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