
Hironobo Sakaguchi wird mit einem Preis geehrt

Hironobu Sakaguchi gehört mit seinen Arbeiten als Produzent vieler Serienteile von Final Fantasy zu den bekanntesten Figuren im Games Business. Auf der im März stattfindenen GDC in San Fransisco wird er mit dem Lifetime Archievement Award ausgezeichnet werden. Das letzte große Konsolenspiel seiner Firma Mistwalker war übrigens The Last Story auf der Wii.

The 15th Annual Game Developers Choice Awards, the premier peer-based awards celebrating game development, will be honoring Hironobu Sakaguchi, the creator of the bestselling Final Fantasy series of games and the founder and president of Mistwalker, with the Lifetime Achievement Award for his contributions to the world of gaming.

The Game Developers Choice Awards ceremony takes place on Wednesday, March 4 at 6:30 pm at the Moscone Convention Center during the 2015 Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, and will be streamed online and open to all GDC pass holders.

At Square Company, Ltd. (now Square Enix), Sakaguchi served as Director of Planning and Development and created Final Fantasy, a groundbreaking role-playing game that has since gone on to spawn 13 sequels, numerous spinoffs, films and TV series. The famously prolific series was titled Final Fantasy as a reference to Sakaguchi’s plan to leave game development, should the title prove unsuccessful, a plan he ultimately decided to scuttle.

In his tenure at Square, he also helped produce a plethora of iconic titles, including Vagrant Story, Parasite Eve, Kingdom Hearts and many others. In 2004, Sakaguchi founded the development house Mistwalker, where he helped with the creation of Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, The Last Story and Terra Battle. Since its initial release in 1987, the Final Fantasy video game series has sold more than 110 million units worldwide and has received seven Guinness World Records.“

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