Wie Ubisoft es bereits vor Tagen angekündigt steht nun der vierte Patch zu Assassin’s Creed Unity auf der PS4 und Xbone zum Download bereit und dieser hat es mit über 6 Gigabyte wahrlich in sich. Woran alles gearbeitet wurde, zeigt diese Liste:
Stability, Performance and Save Game
- Fixed numerous random crashes both on Campaign and Coo
- Implemented multiple optimizations and fixes to improve overall performanc
- Fixed save issue caused by the companion app on the main menu (loss of data
- Fixed save issue caused by contacts list (crash occurring). Users should now have access to save
Gameplay (navigation, fight, stealth)
- Fixed various navigation issues
- Fixed issues with lock picking chests
- Fixed additional haystack issues
Character, AI and Crowd
- Fixed various character, crowd station and NPC issues
Online, Matchmaking, Connectivity and Replication
- Fixed various matchmaking and connection issues both in matches and when starting a match.
- Fixed various issues with voice chat
- Fixed join-in-progress issues
- Fixed various replication issues between host and clients
- Fixed issues with player rank and COOP/heist rewards
- Fixed issues with Helix credits
- Fixed issues with the My Club feature
Menus and HUD
- Fixed HUD icon issues and issues with map information
- Fixed various Initiates issues
- Fixed additional issues with notifications
Mission tweaks (campaign, coop and side content)
- Fixed various low occurrence walkthrough breaks in both Campaign and COOP
- Fixed various NPC issues
- Fixed issue with the quest log disappearing for specific side missions
World and 3D
- Fixed various collision and mesh issues
- Fixed additional issues where player would fall through the world
- Fixed specific areas where textures were missing
Wenn ich daran denke, dass ich mehr in meinem Leben mit Videospielen zu tun hatte als nicht, zeigt es mir zum einen, wie alt ich bin und wie lange ich mittlerweile dem Gaming zugetan bin. Meine erste Konsole war das SNES und spätestens ab diesem Zeitpunkt war ich dieser Leidenschaft verfallen, die bis heute anhält. Auch wenn durch den Alltag leider die Zeiten von verspielten Tagen vorbei sind.
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